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​The names of the selected candidates for Admission to Nursery (Session
2023-24) and date and time of admission can be viewed from the button below:


1)  Please note that there won’t be any second list. So don’t worry the School office for the


2)  Parents are requested to arrive only as per their allotted Date and Time.

3)  If any parent fails to report at the above mentioned date and time, the Admission will stand cancelled. No further notice in this regard shall be given to the parents.

4)  The Management reserves the right to have the last word in all matters related to admission.

5)  Admission Fee 20,000/-. The payment mode is online only. Admission Fees once paid is non-refundable.

6)  The Admission Fee has to be paid before the Admission time as mentioned below.  Download the Alphonsa School Kalamjote Mobile App from play store.
 Login using your registered Mobile No.
 Confirm profile and pay the Admission Fee by going to Fees section.

7)  All communication with regards to admission shall be done through the school website and through SMS notification on the registered mobile number only. School shall not be held responsible for undelivered SMS.

8)  All admission related queries shall be forwarded only to or 8436290433.


The Admission Fee has to be paid before the Admission Date and Time as mentioned.

  1. Download the Alphonsa School Kalamjote Mobile App from play store.

  2. Login using your registered Mobile No.

  3. Confirm profile and pay the Admission Fee by going to Fees section.

NOTE: Kindly check the transaction rate before payment which will be based on the mode of payment selected, for least transaction rate use UPI, NetBanking, Debit Card, Credit Card, Wallet respective order.


The Admission Fee has to be paid before the Admission Date and Time as mentioned.

  1. Click on the button below

  2. Login using your Username and Password. Where Username will be the RegistrationNo and Password will be RegistartionNo123, for e.x. if Registration No is 3242 then Username: 3242 and Password: 3242123

  3. Confirm profile and pay the Admission Fee by going to Menu --> Fees --> Click on Admission Fee and make the payment.

NOTE: Kindly check the transaction rate before payment which will be based on the mode of payment selected, for least transaction rate use UPI, NetBanking, Debit Card, Credit Card, Wallet respective order.

In case of any concern related to login or online admission fee payment, the user is requested to message the following details on Whatsaap Message (9901746032)
1. Registration No
2. Student Name
3. Father Name
4. Mobile No
5. Brief description of your concern

NOTE: While paying admission form fee, after the payment is done you are requested to wait for sometime for the page to redirect back to the application page and the payment status to be marked as paid.

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