Let’s Learn Together
An interview of the child and the parents is required prior to the admission.
Student seeking admission to another class except Pre-Nursery and Nursery is to sit for an admission test, the date of which will be personally intimated.
Guardians are asked to fill the admission form with utmost accuracy. No changes will be permitted thereafter for any reason what so ever.
A transfer certificate from the school last attended should be submitted at the time of admission except for Nursery.
Before withdrawing a student from the school a month's notice has to be given or a month's fee in lieu of notice.
Any people failing two years in succession in the same class or failing twice in three consecutive years will not be allowed to continue their studies in the school.
Immortality, grave insubordination, contempt to authority or wilful damage to school property are always sufficient reasons for dismissal.
Repeated absence renders the student liable to dismissal.
Forbidden practices like smoking and chewing pan is strictly forbidden to the students.
Use of drugs or intoxicants, rowdyism, rude behaviour, casteism and communalism may cause immediate dismissal.
Bringing cameras, Cell phones or any such electronic devices are strictly forbidden and violation of this rule may cause immediate dismissal.
Pupils are forbidden to bring crackers and other dangerous materials to school.
Enriching the Lives of Our Students
No leave of absence is granted except on previous written application from the parent or guardian and that too for serious reasons.
All are expected to attend the class on the opening day after each vacation. Those absent will be levied Rs 100/- as fine.
Those who are absent because of sickness must inform the school before or on the re-opening day failing which they must pay the above penality.
Absentees without leave for more than five days immediately after a vacation are liable to Dismissal.
All leave must be applied for in writing to the principal. The students who have been absent from the class must have the reason for their absence noted briefly in the Regularity Record.
Absence without leave is liable to punishment either by fine or any other form at the principal's discretion.
After taking new admission in any class, if a pupil is absent for 10 continuous days, the name will be struck of the rolls.
If a student remains absent from the school for more than 10 days without prior written information to the Principal, his/her name automatically stands struck off the rolls.